Opunake Mornings 01/04/2012

 Taken from our back porch before we walked this morning, with the shift in the clocks we are a little late with the light but it was a spectacular sky show.

10 minutes later, looking down into Middleton Bay
It is a perfect morning for those early fishing types
who are out on the waves already as evidenced by the row of trailers.
 The sky is full of every kind of cloud you could imagine today, first looking back into Middleton Bay

 This looking up towards New Plymouth
The mountain and ranges doing their thing with the clouds helped by one penetrating vapor trail.

 Out down the coast to Wellington from over the break.

 Into Opunake Main Beach

 A long deep even swell coming in this morning.
The wind vein with a friend - first time I've seen a bird on this roof but it is a totally still day so far.
