A new week 02/05/2016

Monday's always seem to arrive quickly following each other. They mark the passage of time more clearly in my mind than other days of the week, not really for any reason. I always have to-do lists that keep getting extended faster than items are deleted from them and my dream is to achieve all the items before the start of a new week. However, inevitably the next monday is here so fast that the list is still stretching forward into an apparently unattainable future. This can become stressful. I am trying a new mindful awareness approach to this perpetual situation. I am trying to replace the feeling of stress with the feeling of anticipation - I will never be bored or restlessly at a loose end. There are constantly options on the to-do list that can be selected and the time will flash past.  I am trying to think of these lists as my roadmaps forward rather than evidence of my disorganised approach to life.  
