Mother's Day 08/05/2016

Mum's Skirt. 2013.

I made this piece of work several years ago in memory of my beloved Mum, Daphne. It was composed of layer of materials held together with beeswax that were attached to old high tensile fencing grid. This grid reference how strong my Mum was, a tiny person with a fierce determination that was never revealed. She weathered many major health issues and worked hard all her life. Her family was everything and as we all gradually drifted out of easy reach she gathered neighbours into her family. She was no-man's fool and had cuttingly insightful views of politics and the world in general but she loved everyone - even if she felt they needed "fixing" a little. 
She was funny and loved music - often turning up opera ballads on the radio to full volume and singing with them as she made her famous pikelets, scones or haystacks. She was a power house of a woman. 
I am blessed to have her inform my life as strongly as she did. I am not sure i have been as complete a mother to my own children but they are the most important thing in my world to me. I consider it a privilege to be their Mother.
