Busy brain 04/06/2016

This morning the pressure of getting my work ready for the public is exercising my brain. I walked in a distracted state until looking up, there it was - the sickle moon was hanging in the sky - not unusual. What was unusual was the fact that all the rest of the moon was still visible as a shadowy form with the sickle in the lower sphere. Out with the trusty cell phone camera to try and capture this magic vista - but no such luck. I was unable to get anything even closely resembling what my eye could see.
This did however refocus my busy brain to be sure there was no other phenomena out there I was missing. Of course the whole event of day break is phenomenal. The clear sky filled with clouds as I walked, the clouds lit up pink and orange, sun-showers began to happen. All of this was beyond my limited photographic technology but it was not beyond my eye and it rested my busy circling brain - refreshed it for the day unfolding.
