Under a cloud 12/07/2016

I have placed myself under a cloud this morning. A very interrupted bad sleep night with aches and pains and the over active whirring of my mind. Pain relief taken too late into the night has left me feeling exhausted, grumpy and oppressed. I know not to do this to myself, over the years I have tried to observe how to ensure I get more than 1-2 hours uninterrupted sleep and there are tricks of self-management that I can use that do work. However last night for some self destructive reason I didn't use them but instead selected to use all the devices that are not effective. So this morning I am wearing the consequences of that with a negative mood and very low energy.
It is a waste of a beautiful start to another glorious day in paradise which needs to achieve a lot of things on a deadline. This is such a reversal into old behaviour under deadline pressure - frustrating as obviously my self learning is still not properly embedded. Must just be another of my many works in progress. 
