Sunday 18/09/2016

The rain and the wind are creating the flower carpets this morning. It is only three days ago that I stopped to watch 10 tuis in this tree all at the same time, and there were another ten in the next door tree. I long to bring tuis permanently into my garden at home so watching how this tree is such a sought after food source for them I am off to research it's name so I can put some around my property. They are not the Taiwanese cherries that I do have planted but will be a little bit later than them - important for food supply continuity.
While I have been here I have had lots of time to think about what I want for my life going forward and a garden full of tuis is definitely on the higher part of the list. Yesterday I found a germination cluster of loquat seedlings which I was able to carefully lift out of the leaf litter they were in. Another fantastic food source, perhaps not so much for tuis but I'm not sure about that.
